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Akashic Records Reading with Tao Chang Shen is Light in the Eyes – Master Ricardo B Serrano Is the Qi experience related to the flow experience? Tao Water Blessings for Healing 13 Tai Chi postures/ principles Book for Tai Chi Zoom instruction appointment This form is especially good in cultivating internal power channeling Qi for emision of power (Fa Jin)! – Sifu Ricardo B Serrano Soul Healing interview with Master Sha Soul Healing is not similar to Qigong healing. Qigong is energy healing. We go beyond energy. It’s Divine Healing Hands or Divine Soul Healing. We can do one-to-one healing, group healing, and distance healing. There are all kinds of sickness in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. To heal and transform humanity, we must remove Jing qi shen blockages. Jing qi shen blockages are the biggest pollution. – page 7, Return to Oneness with the Tao Da Bei Zhou Compassion Mantra (fast version) (Password protected for clients only). Tao Healing Hands Blessing (Password protected for clients only). MIP 470-633-655-810 for viral infection Meditation: A Simple, Fast Way to Cure Your Negative Emotions You are the greatest miracle in the world Tao Te Ching, Chapter 8 from Return to Oneness with the Tao The Pan Gu Shen Gong is the key to balancing Yin and Yang energies in the body, and an easier and simpler complementary Qigong practice to learn with other advanced meditative practices. Ricardo’s quotes"If your Qi is in balance, your health and wellness are unlimited."— Ricardo Serrano
and Six healing Qigong sounds with Mantras book. You have to ground first by Six healing Qigong sounds Soul power is developed and used by Tao Healing Hands Practitioner Tao Healing Hands Bestseller Books at You Hold the Keys to Healing Videos & Books