




Third Eye Disk

Twin Hearts Meditation



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Cosmic Heart Spiral of Love Facilitated by Yogi Sharanananda

Benefits from the Winged Unicorn Meditation

Anhk symbol I would like to add also that practicing the Winged Unicorn Meditation Technique with the Unicorn Third Eye Disk not only strengthens the head chakras in preparation for clairvoyance but also balances, regenerates and harmonizes all the chakral energies and subtle bodies of the spiritual aspirant cushioning radical reactions (such as post-kundalini syndrome) associated with other advanced meditational practices making it (the disk which is consecrated and empowered by Master Miguel Nator for safe and faster results) excellent for meditation, thought projection, dreaming, akashic records investigation, channeling and so forth.

When one is successful in treading the Way through the Winged Unicorn Meditation Technique and other similar advanced meditation techniques such as Meditation on Twin Hearts, he becomes a superperson, a higher being, a saint, a mystic, an immortal, a Highlander, and a Master. He controls time and space, he touches great beauties, colors, music, perfumes, forms, that surpass everything in this world. He will be given keys to enter the locked rooms of the Holy of Holies in his own nature, unveil secrets of the Laws of God to bring down to ordinary life for the spiritualization of humanity. The further he penetrates the higher planes, the closer he comes to the real source of beauty, goodness, truth and proportionally the spirit of bliss, the spirit of understanding. The spirit of power dawns upon his daily life and makes his relationships magnetic, radioactive and blossoming.

Grand Master Choa Kok SuiMy beloved Arhat Yoga Master and Master Pranic Healer teacher Choa Kok Sui commented in his March 4-5, 1995 Clairvoyance workshop I attended about my beloved Unicorn Meditation Master Miguel Nator and his Winged Unicorn Meditation Technique as an awesome Path with the benefits in learning to open Clairvoyant Vision (All Seeing Eye), "By learning and understanding the basic required knowledge, skills and practices, clairvoyance can be learned and practiced, just as pranic healing is learned. The ability to see subtle energies in the auras and chakras as well as to see into the organs and cells themselves is both fascinating and very practical in healing.

Clairvoyance is another awesome Path (Winged Unicorn Meditation Technique) into the world of subtle energy. There seems to be no limit to the learning and skill development possibilities as is evidenced by Mike Nator in Manila. Mike is able to see the colour and spin of the chakras as well as incredible details in the physical, etheric and other energy bodies. As with Pranic Healing, the chakras are very important in the clairvoyance teaching.

If you are wondering how much difference it could make to your healing abilities, the answer is . . . lots! And it's fun to do. Expand your Wisdom and Ability."

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