You don't need vaccines. You May Already Be Immune

We don't need vaccines. We have natural God given immunity. - Dr. Mikovits

This controversial plandemic movie video by Dr. Judy Mikovits, author of Plague of Corruption is shown here to spread her great important message to the world.
Her video was published here without monetary compensation to (in Canada) to honor her mission in revealing the plague of corruption and avoid deaths due to vaccination.
We owe much to Dr. Mikovits' courage in revealing the truth about retroviruses and their deadly effects with vaccines via her video and book.

To the brave who always fight for the truth. Thank you!

Your financial support is needed: Show your support for the life-saving free information on COVID vaccines in this website by buying my books on strengthening your immune system naturally. Thank you for your support. - Ricardo B Serrano, Dipl.Ac.

Relevant Resources (from, Epochtimes, National Post and other uncensored news media):


MIP 470 nm (Blue light) inhibits Sars-CoV-2

MIP 470-633-655-810

Other physicians are seeing the same thing. In my practice multiple patients who are fully vaccinated have been admitted to local hospitals, says Dr. Jeffrey I. Barke, a board-certified primary care physician based in Newport Beach, California. Barke believes part of the problem is exaggeration of the efficacy: If the vaccine works so well, why are we now pushing a booster?

"Beyond pandemic preparedness and response, the justification for the implementation of the Great Reset agenda in its totality will be climate change."

"[The Disinformation Dozen ] are responsible for about just 0.05% of all views of vaccine-related content on Facebook. This includes all vaccine-related posts they ve shared, whether true or false, as well as URLs associated with these people. ~ Monika Bickert, vice president of Facebook content policy"

"There's an extinction taking place. Most people think the sixth mass extinction is about other species. They don't realize large parts of humanity are being pushed to extinction. ~ Vandana Shiva"

"Like coronavirus, previous efforts to develop an RSV vaccine have met with failure as test subjects have a tendency to die or become seriously ill when exposed to the wild virus, thanks to paradoxical immune enhancement (PIE), also known as antibody dependent enhancement (ADE)."

"Even microclots that don t completely block the blood vessel can have serious ramifications. You can check for presence of microclots by performing a D-dimer blood test. If your D-dimer is elevated, you have clotting somewhere in your body."

"Although Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2-immune sera neutralized the Delta variant, when four common mutations were introduced into the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the Delta variant (Delta 4+), some BNT162b2-immune sera lost neutralizing activity and enhanced the infectivity. ~ bioRxiv, August 23, 2021"

"The spike protein is the toxic part of the virus responsible for the most unique effects of the virus, such as the blood clotting disorders, neurological problems and heart damage. To expect the COVID shot to not produce these kinds of effects would be rather na ve."

"In Israel we're hearing from activists that it's a two-tiered society and that basically, activists are ostracized and surveilled continually. It is the end of civil society, and they are trying to roll it out around the world. ~ Naomi Wolf"

"The rhetoric used by government officials and media is clearly meant to incite fear and hostility against the unvaccinated. Once the hostility becomes normalized, the undesirables can be eliminated with the full support of the general population."

"The term gain-of-function is generally used to refer to changes resulting in the acquisition of new, or an enhancement of existing, biological phenotypes. ~ National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity"

"If we keep this up with the injections, there is going to be one variant after another We re playing with fire here with this mass vaccination My interpretation as an internist and cardiologist I m a trained epidemiologist, I ve literally done a year of intense COVID research and training I m going to tell you, I think this Delta outbreak that we have right now is the product of mass vaccination.

"If we didn t have the jab, we would have been better off. We had already treated this down to a very acceptable level. - Dr. Peter McCullough"

"The materials reveal for the first time that one of the resulting novel, laboratory-generated SARS-related coronaviruses one not been previously disclosed publicly was more pathogenic to humanized mice than the starting virus from which it was constructed and thus not only was reasonably anticipated to exhibit enhanced pathogenicity, but, indeed, was demonstrated to exhibit enhanced pathogenicity. ~ Dr. Richard Ebright, Ph.D."

"The same people that were involved in the funding of this bioweapon are the same people that have interfered with doctors providing treatment to patients, and the same people that have been involved in the development of these vaccines. ~ Dr. Richard Fleming"

"Ivermectin has several different properties. In addition to being antiparasitic, it also has potent antiviral properties and has even been shown to protect against SARS-CoV-2 spike protein damage."

"Since mRNA therapies do not render person immune, and do not inhibit transmission of the virus, they cannot qualify as a public health measure capable of providing collective benefit that supersedes individual risk, and therefore cannot be mandated."

"With 50% of its overall budget and 75% of its drug-testing budget coming from industry, the FDA long ago won its notoriety as the most corrupt and pliable of all federal agencies. Now, the White House has torn away its last shred of integrity by ordering top regulators to put politics before science. ~ Robert F. Kennedy Jr."

"The Delta variant contains three different mutations, all in the spike protein. This allows this variant to evade the immune responses in those who have received the COVID jabs, but not those who have natural immunity, which is much broader."

"A new study by MIT and Harvard scientists demonstrates that segments of the RNA from the coronavirus itself are most likely becoming a permanent fixture in human DNA. This was once thought near impossible, for the same reasons which are presented to assure us that an RNA vaccine could accomplish no such feat. ~ Dr. Doug Corrigan"

"According to the Mayo Clinic, as of July 2021, Pfizer's COVID injection was only 42% effective against infection, which doesn't even meet the Food and Drug Administration's requirement of 50% efficacy for vaccines."

"We cannot simply undo the harm caused by flawed policies advocated by our elites, but we can resolve that we never let this happen to our country again. ~ Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis"

"Don't get scared. Get angry, but don't get demoralized. They want that. You know, there s a whole school of public health that talks about how to intimidate and engender fear to get people to do what you want. It's called fear appeal. So, it's systematic, and public health people have always been totalitarian in nature. ~ Dr. Peter Breggin"

"Knowing what we already know about the risks of these shots and their tendency to encourage mutations, it seems reasonable to suspect that all we're doing is digging ourselves an ever-deeper, everwider hole that s going to be increasingly difficult to get out of.

"Joe Biden told Americans when he was elected that he would not impose vaccine mandates. He lied. ~ Ronna McDaniel, GOP Chairwoman"

"It strains credulity that the AMA would actually tell doctors to substitute a factual data point with an outright lie. But with this swap, are they not telling doctors to state that people are dead, when in fact they ve only been hospitalized with COVID-19?"

"If scientists and researchers are publishing these studies, how can it be a crime to report their findings? At the end of the day, the CSPI's attacks on this website amounted to an effort to suppress science itself."

"As 'The Science' more and more dictates whether you can step outside your own home I hope you understand that the stakes have been raised to the point where this is not some mere philosophical concern. This is the heart of the biosecurity state that we are being steeped in. ~ James Corbett"

"GAVI is a nongovernmental organization that is allowed to operate without paying any taxes, while also having total immunity for anything they do wrong."

"[People are] starting to understand that vaccines do not prevent infection and transmission. The entire mandatory vaccination system has been built on the myth that if you get vaccinated, you cannot get infected and transmit the infection to other people. The truth is that vaccine-acquired immunity is often very temporary and sometimes you don't get it at all. ~ Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC"



Canadian Viral Immunologist, Professors & Doctors Sound The Alarm on COVID-19 Vaccine Safety

Six healing Qigong sounds with Mantras book.

Perhaps the most effective weapon against viral infections

How concerned are you about vaccine related adverse events?

COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effect Tracker

Former CDC Director: COVID-19 Escaped From Wuhan Virology Lab

Why Would Anyone Choose to Receive an Experimental COVID mRNA Injection?

24 Dead and 137 Infected at NY Nursing Home After Experimental COVID Injections

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Sues Facebook and So-Called Fact-Checkers for Government-Sponsored Censorship, False Disparagement and Wire-Fraud

COVID-19 immunity robust eight months after infection, study says

Efficacy and safety of Lianhuaqingwen capsules, a repurposed Chinese herb, in patients with coronavirus disease 2019: A multicenter, prospective, randomized controlled trial

CNN: Don t Be Alarmed if People Start Dying After Taking the COVID Vaccine

FDA Announces Deaths of Two Pfizer Vaccine Trial Participants as it Prepares to Issue Fast-track Authorization

Covid-19 vaccine: Allergy warning over new jab

Statistics Show that the Number of People who Died in the U.S. in 2020 will be the SAME as Previous Years, in Spite of COVID

Hundreds Sent to Emergency Room After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines

Severe Allergic Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccines Occurring at Higher Rate Than Flu Shots

Research suggests mild COVID-19 illness leaves behind lasting antibody protection

Thousands Negatively Affected After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine

What we know about COVID-19 vaccines and side effects

COVID-19 vaccine - what you may still want to know but were afraid to ask

Virus infection creates immunity for at least 6 months study

Hospital worker with no prior allergies in intensive care with severe reaction after Pfizer Covid vaccine

Volunteer in COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Dies: Health Officials

Peru suspends clinical trials of China COVID-19 vaccine after neuro problems

Vaccine confidence must be restored as PH prepares for COVID-19 shots public health expert

Boosting Immune System as Treatment Strategy for COVID-19

Vaccine trials 'can't detect' virus risk reduction - expert

We now have the best evidence yet that everyone develops long-term coronavirus immunity after infection and it's not just about antibodies

Kennedy Jr. warns parents about danger of using largely untested COVID vaccines on kids

Coronavirus is weakening, could die out on its own without a vaccine and patients now survive infections that would have killed them at start of the pandemic, claims Italian expert

STUDIES: 60% of people naturally RESISTANT to SARS-COV2

T cells found in COVID-19 patients bode well for long-term immunity Vaccinations research database

Fauci tells Congress: 'There's no guarantee that the vaccine is actually going to be effective'

'Evil forces': how Covid-19 paranoia united the wellness industry and rightwing conspiracy theorists

Be informed and survive COVID-19
There are better safer therapies than vaccines to treat COVID-19.

Researcher (1980-present): Ricardo B Serrano, Diploma in Acupuncture, Programmer/Analyst, Author/Publisher, Videos, Webmaster

See Ricardo B Serrano's books below:

Atma (Soul) Yoga Meditation and Qigong Forms DVD

13 Tai Chi postures/ principles

Book for Tai Chi Zoom instruction appointment

This form is especially good in cultivating internal power channeling Qi for emision of power (Fa Jin)! - Sifu Ricardo B Serrano

Soul Healing interview with Master Sha

Soul Healing is not similar to Qigong healing. Qigong is energy healing. We go beyond energy. It's Divine Healing Hands or Divine Soul Healing. We can do one-to-one healing, group healing, and distance healing. There are all kinds of sickness in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. To heal and transform humanity, we must remove Jing qi shen blockages. Jing qi shen blockages are the biggest pollution. - page 7, Return to Oneness with the Tao

Da Bei Zhou Compassion Mantra (fast version)
(Password protected for clients only).

Tao Healing Hands Blessing
(Password protected for clients only).

NO FREE consultation, please. Thank you for your interest!

Soul Healing Reference books by Sifu Ricardo B Serrano:


Meditation: A Simple, Fast Way to Cure Your Negative Emotions

You are the greatest miracle in the world

To be in the Qi flow is the key to return to oneness with the Tao.
- Master Ricardo B Serrano

Is the Qi experience related to the flow experience?

Tao Water Blessings for Healing

Ricardo's quotes

"If your Qi is in balance, your health and wellness are unlimited."— Ricardo Serrano


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You have to ground first by Six healing Qigong sounds

DISCLAIMER: Because ignorance is the root cause of all suffering, the dissemination of the following contents is simply sharing information which eradicates ignorance that is completely natural and is done for your healing and spiritual awakening.

Meditation and Qigong books and DVDs on Functional Medicine:

Akashic Records Reading with Tao Chang book at

Six healing Qigong sounds book at

The Meditation and Qigong Mastery book at

Return to Oneness with the Tao book at

Return to Oneness with Spirit through Pan Gu Shen Gong book at

Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors book at

Return to Oneness with Shiva book at

Oneness with Shiva book at

The Cure & Cause of Cancer book at


To order the Maitreya (Shiva) Shen Gong & Omkabah Heart Lightbody Activation DVDs with shipping, cost $60, with a 2-page Healing Conscious Mind Encodements (pdf) enclosed, please click the Paypal button below:

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First published May 17, 2020 Logo

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